Frank and Ernest by Thaves for January 04, 2015
Ernie's Music Frank: Ernie, you're opening a music store? Ernest: Yep, I'm going to serve a niche market. Ernest: I won't be selling CD's or any other digital music. Ernest: I also won't be selling the old cassette or eight-track tapes. Ernest: I'm only selling records. I'm catering to audiophiles who appreciate the unique sound quality they deliver. Frank: That's great! Are you going to advertise? Ernest: Yeah, my tagline is "All Sales Vinyl"!
:-)) I slowed down the record player when I shorted the AC to ground with a screwdriver changing a bad light switch. Being ballsy, I was doing the change, Hot. My room mates came running to see if I’d died. The record player came back to speed and the half melted screw driver went in the trash. I made a mental note to not do that again and poured myself a stiff drink.