An old limerick (if I had to give it a title, I would call it, “Bad Gnus”) says:
One day I went to the zoo, / For I wanted to see the old gnu. / But the old gnu was dead, / And the new gnu, they said, / Was too new a gnu to be viewed.
And on a different subject, does anyone know how to write a comment like this and put a carriage return at the end of each line that will stick when the comment is posted?
An old limerick (if I had to give it a title, I would call it, “Bad Gnus”) says:
One day I went to the zoo, / For I wanted to see the old gnu. / But the old gnu was dead, / And the new gnu, they said, / Was too new a gnu to be viewed.
And on a different subject, does anyone know how to write a comment like this and put a carriage return at the end of each line that will stick when the comment is posted?