Frazz by Jef Mallett for August 30, 2009
Mr. Spaetzle: I worry about Frazz. Miss Plainwell: Why? Mr. Spaetzle: He's really skinny. Miss Plainwell: He races triathlons. You know that. Mr. Spaetzle: He's eating more and getting even skinnier! Miss Plainwell: He's just doing a full Ironman. Mr. Spaetzle: Also, he dresses like a color-blind superhero. Miss Plainwell: We all worry about that.
I’m 56, 5’11", and average around 132 lbs. According to the online body-mass calculator, I’m underweight. I’ve always been thin, it’s normal for me. I’m healthy and feel good. People should worry about others being overweight rather than people who are skinny. I do take vitamin B-12 everyday to maintain my metabolism now that I’m older. Anyone looking to lose weight should look into that.