Frazz by Jef Mallett for July 01, 2015
Caulfield: Geez. I'm already dreading Fall. Well, maybe not dreading it, but aware of it. Soon enough, Fall will mean not back to school, but off to college! Caulfield: That, I might be dreading. Frazz: No, then you'll feel relief because you're done fighting to get into the college you're dreading.
Then there was my neighbor’s daughter. She went to a church based private $chool, and got straight A’s in grades 6-12. They had her all set to go off to a military academy, when the girl suddenly realized she didn’t want to be in the military, and it was too late to apply to a regular university. She ended up at the local community college where she had to take beginning algebra (despite getting “the best grades money could buy” in math up through calculus, as well as in all her other classes). So much for both their instruction and their college counseling..She’s now a tennis instructor. So much for paying $12,000 a year for good grades from a church school where they won’t give you bad grades or they might lose your tuition.