Some places are now requiring garages to NOT have garage doors directly facing the street. It does look nicer, but it’s actually a way to enforce “big income zoning” because to do that, you have to either have an alley… which no builder wants to “waste” when that area could be used to boost yard sizes, or the lots have to be wide enough to accept a driveway with a turn… and deep enough to allow the house to fit in there too.
Some places are now requiring garages to NOT have garage doors directly facing the street. It does look nicer, but it’s actually a way to enforce “big income zoning” because to do that, you have to either have an alley… which no builder wants to “waste” when that area could be used to boost yard sizes, or the lots have to be wide enough to accept a driveway with a turn… and deep enough to allow the house to fit in there too.