I weighed myself before a visit to my heart doctor’s office. In the heart doctor’s office I was +5 lb. The next day, I had to go to my GP’s office, and I was back down 5 lbs. I can only conlude that my heart doctor’s scale is set at +5 lb. I seriously doubt that I gained 5 lbs. in one day, and lost it the next day!
I weighed myself before a visit to my heart doctor’s office. In the heart doctor’s office I was +5 lb. The next day, I had to go to my GP’s office, and I was back down 5 lbs. I can only conlude that my heart doctor’s scale is set at +5 lb. I seriously doubt that I gained 5 lbs. in one day, and lost it the next day!
I MISS “The Dinette Set”, too.