GATURRO: The Olympic medalist Is onto the world record …in Belly Jumping!!Second attempt, plis …(notes: I was able to translate the first two panels on my own! I tried more than one translator, but could not find the English translation of the Spanish “plis.”)
MARY WORTH: Whoa! A kiss Iris will never forget!!
PHANTOM: Mikey says, “Whoa!” I love P’s comment in the last panel…can hardly wait to see the follow-up (next Sunday).
GATURRO: The Olympic medalist Is onto the world record …in Belly Jumping!!Second attempt, plis …(notes: I was able to translate the first two panels on my own! I tried more than one translator, but could not find the English translation of the Spanish “plis.”)
MARY WORTH: Whoa! A kiss Iris will never forget!!
PHANTOM: Mikey says, “Whoa!” I love P’s comment in the last panel…can hardly wait to see the follow-up (next Sunday).