Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for February 17, 2003
Rob and Bucky are in the laundry room. Rob asks: "Hey, what are you doing?" Bucky tugs at a blanket in a laundry basket and answers: "Satchel touched my blankie. You have to wash it now." Rob says: "Well it'll have to wait. You can't put that in with my dress shirts." Bucky asks: "Why?" Rob says: "Because you have to separate the whites and the colors." Bucky asks: "'Separate the whites and the colors'? What are you some kind of laundry racist?"
The laundromat in town’s okay, but they won’t let you wash your colored things in their machines.
At a public laundromat?
Didn’t make any sense to me either, but I’m telling you — they have a big sign right in the window, says “Whites Only”.
= We Were Soldiers and Young =