"CRULLER! CRULLER! CRULLER!" "I got you a glazed stick. They said they don't make crullers anymore." "No...? No more crullers?" "Satchel? Why are you crying?" "Why are you NOT crying?!"
Thank you Satchel, terrible events have occurred, such as the last episode of the second season of Sherlock.Terrible…
…Terrible things.
I feel the pain
Chill, Satch, a cruller’s just a squiggly donut.
all_da_ladies_luv_leo! over 11 years ago
Thank you Satchel, terrible events have occurred, such as the last episode of the second season of Sherlock.Terrible…
…Terrible things.
Tulitikku over 3 years ago
I feel the pain
FrostbiteFalls almost 2 years ago
Chill, Satch, a cruller’s just a squiggly donut.