Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for October 12, 2008
Rob: Pass me that radiohead case, Buck. Bucky: Pff. "Radiohead," you liberals and your genetic experiments. Rob: What? They're an english rock band, you idiot. Bucky: Ok, English. Still elitist. Still immoral. Rob: Ohhhkay, you know what? You think you're better than me 'cause you're folksy? Well you're no better, you're a lowletist. Bucky: Oooo, you got me, Mr. Liberal! I look stupid! Hey, you know who my favorite band is Toasterbutt! They not elitist enough for ya? How 'bout phone bosom? Got any of them? Rob: Perfect. Stupid is the new smart. Mac: Oi. Yer gettin' me mad up and that. Call me elitist again and I'll banjo yer nut, full stop. Bucky: Speak english, Mac!