Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 30, 2009
Bucky says, "What's on the telly?" Rob says, "Jaws." Bucky says, "Ooo, Jaws. Yeah. This is my favorite cooking program ever." Rob says, "'Cooking program'?" Bucky says, "Big fish?compressed air tank?rifle?it's basically an infomercial for a sushi maker." Bucky says, "You have to sit through a long pitch, of course, but that just makes you hungrier. Good tactic." Rob says, "I'm a vegetarian. Why would I be watching a sushi infomercial?" Bucky says, "Alright, a coleslaw maker, whatever. It's got 1,000 uses, robert." Rob says, "'s a movie with a narrative, Bucky..." Bucky says, "Sure, it's got some drama, but it's a cooking show. It's a culi-drama."