Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for February 14, 2012
Bucky: Ladies, I give you the future of electricity: The Buckcord! Rob: Ok, so how does that, in words, "revolutionize household electricity"? Bucky: Answer me this: how bad would you like to be able to plug your sofa in and drive around the house?! Rob: Bucky, you can't plug a sofa in. Bucky: Right, because it not have a cord! This cord plug in sofa! Sofa go! Hm. Do you make a beanbag adapter?
aprice_bcd almost 13 years ago
Mmmm Beanbag driving – I’ll be in that
rf_eq almost 13 years ago
ever been chaised by a sofa? If it’s Amish furniture, do you need Robert Redford (Electric Horseman) to drive
zero almost 13 years ago
Try sticking the fork end into the outlet first Bucky.
naturally_easy almost 13 years ago
I think that cat needs to be in a cage most of the time. Before he burns down the house or something.
ellisaana Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Reminds me of a children’s book – Amos Ahoy – about an old dog who discovers he can drive around town on his sofa.
Spamgaard almost 13 years ago
Why drive your sofa around the house when you can travel on one through Canada?
monawarner almost 13 years ago
Hey. I’m a native Texan and I take exception to your comments. Oh, wait. I can’t can it, because sadly they are all true. Well, not the electric couch maybe.
dddt almost 13 years ago
you need to sell the idea to some1
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
Keep it slow and simple, Buck.
Kathe almost 13 years ago
When Bucky sticks the end of that plug into the socket, the only light in the room will come from an “electrifried” Bucky!
Nethus1219 almost 13 years ago
That’s gonna bring the phrase “Couch Potato” to a whole new level.
rabidhunter almost 13 years ago
Is it just me or did Bucky get even more stupid fast, he started talking caveman talk for a bit. Was he testing his invention?
BudLyte almost 13 years ago
Bucky’s been taking english lessons from the ’gators in “Pearls”
hometownk Premium Member almost 13 years ago
We’re back to old strips.
revisages almost 13 years ago
engineering featuring: a fork in the road
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Bucky is talking down to Rob. I love Satchel’s idea!
And lets take the political talk over to the Editorials why don’t we? You’ve a whole bunch over there you can post comments on.
Popeyesforearm almost 13 years ago
In the words of Cousin Eddie, “That’s one fried pussycat”.
chris_weaver almost 13 years ago
What, you never heard of a convertible sofa?
theGrendel13 almost 13 years ago
so i have the strange feeling i have seen this strip before.
rgcviper almost 13 years ago
But, but … that’s one of the main reasons I read this strip!
(I say that with the kindest possible intentions, of course.)
Bashis almost 13 years ago
LOL plug it in :)
CoBass almost 13 years ago
You have COMPLETELY missed my point.
Hunter7 almost 13 years ago
Does Bucky have one for an armchair?
4x4_Welder almost 13 years ago
He sounds more like a Pakled.
dave6d6ky almost 13 years ago
Attributed to Steven Wright:The other night I came home late, and tried to unlock my house with my car keys. I started the house up. So, I drove it around for a while. I was speeding, and a cop pulled me over. He asked where I lived. I said, “right here, officer”.
DailyKevin almost 13 years ago
I tried that…My futon blew a fuse.
tegm almost 13 years ago
just the third panel by itself makes the comic.
Yiga Outcast almost 4 years ago
You don’t understand.
Yiga Outcast over 3 years ago
You not understand! Sofa not go! Cord not make sofa go!