Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for February 25, 2017
Bucky Katt: So Francis and I just had a good discussion on philosophy. Satchel Pooch: MM-HM Bucky Katt: Kittygaard. Himalayadegger. Karl Manx. Des Cats...know what he said? Satchel Pooch: Was it 'I stink, therefore I am?' no, no, no, was it: 'I think everything stinks?" Bucky Katt: No, because if everything stank, that would mean everything in the universe is comprised of dogs. And then dark matter would have to be called filthy matter. Satchel Pooch: Aw.
Bucky ought to take a “leap of faith” right out the window. Wait…he does that in one strip! His brain is dark, but it doesn’t matter!