Heart of the City by Steenz for October 14, 1999
Mom: So, did you decide what you're going to be for Halloween? Heart: This year I'm gonna be something really scary! But not "monster scary" I'm thinking more conceptual..Actually, the most frightening aspect of human nature: "Ignorance!" Mom: Mmmmm...Very Dickensian..and how, exactly, do you plan to look like "ignorance"? Heart: That's where you come in, Mom...After all, I'm an "idea gal." I look to you for execution of my unique vision. Mom: I foresee a brilliant career for you as an ad agency creative director.
Bullet Bronson Premium Member over 4 years ago
Wow. Twenty one years later and nothing has changed.
Bullet Bronson Premium Member over 4 years ago
Mom, here’s an idea. Have her wear a Trump mask. That would scare the bejeebers out of about half the people and it would be also be the perfect representation of ignorance. It’s a twofer.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Wanna go as someone who’s grounded, Heart?