Heart of the City by Steenz for September 20, 2009
September 19, 2009
September 21, 2009
Baby: Ma ma! ma ma! I'm hungy! Baby: Ma ma! Ma ma! I'm hungry! Baby: ma ma! Mom: Oh, if it were only that easy. Heart: She does bring up a valid point...when's dinner?
Heart is a spoiled brat. Dean is weird kid with a strange cat. I do like the comics though. I wonder if Heart is going to be a ‘good’ mother someday…..
Oh, Heart. Just you want until you’re really a mother. Batteries not included nor necessary when having a child. But there is sometimes a necessary instruction manual; they’re called parenting books.
kfaatz925 over 15 years ago
Somehow I don’t think Heart got the parenting lesson here. ;) Love the doll’s eyes, btw.
sdsjg24 over 15 years ago
Heart is a spoiled brat. Dean is weird kid with a strange cat. I do like the comics though. I wonder if Heart is going to be a ‘good’ mother someday…..
shewith5 over 15 years ago
Yes, if only…
dianecliff over 15 years ago
Heart is not spoiled, just incredibly creative.
fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago
She’s DEMANDING, but not spoiled. To be spoiled, your demands have to be MET, and more often than not Heart’s Mom doesn’t give in.
catqueen over 15 years ago
The dolls eyes remind me of Cousin Bubble’s eyes from the Lio strip. Maybe Lio should have checked her for batteries.
Trisha_Evenstar over 15 years ago
@ sdsjg24 - if you don’t like the characters in the strip, why read it? Sheesh, I don’t understand people like you…
Templo S.U.D. over 15 years ago
Oh, Heart. Just you want until you’re really a mother. Batteries not included nor necessary when having a child. But there is sometimes a necessary instruction manual; they’re called parenting books.
Asrial about 15 years ago
“Children are the best contraceptives !”
Decepticomic over 3 years ago