A lady told of her husband bringing her some article of clothing which would properly fit a far more buxom woman..She asked how he got her size.“I told the sales lady she looked about your size so get in her size.”.The wife decided it was an error in his favor.
ratlum over 10 years ago
Use your belt for a measurement .
Neat '33 over 10 years ago
Now if those were “ax handles” measurements…………………..
Chris Sherlock over 10 years ago
“Do these jeans make me look fat?”
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
A lady told of her husband bringing her some article of clothing which would properly fit a far more buxom woman..She asked how he got her size.“I told the sales lady she looked about your size so get in her size.”.The wife decided it was an error in his favor.