Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 11, 2010
from the tip-top secretive dossiers of s.p.e.a.r. subject: Ralston rabbit first appearance: 12-6-05 aliases: "dr. hopsalot" as captain victorious' sidekick (ref:6-6-06). dr. preachy mcbuzzkill (ref: 9-23-06). affiliations: Mascot for crax cereal, action jacks, crax-lax, lunch-tastics, sugar fried butter pops, taught nutrition at cheetos middle school (ref:9-3-07) reportedly married moxie gumption (ref: 12-16-06). history: Writing book about franco prussian war with rabbits ("hasenpeffer") but only lands jobs where his face gets smashed in. talents: Can withstand unlimited amounts of physical abuse and resume normal form in seconds, possibly immortal and indestructible. weapons potential? drink of choice: vodka martini.
Best “Maus” joke I’ve read all season!