man: so, cap, you really don't recognize me? captain: should I? man: Well...I'm a really famous superhero! captain: *Gasp!* are you captain victorious?? man: do I really need to tell you why that's wrong? captain: nope, I see why chin dimple...
knight1192a over 12 years ago
As I said, he has virtually no clue who you are 95% of the time already. Why humiliate yourself any further?
Pharmakeus Ubik over 12 years ago
He’s no Wonder Warthog, that’s for sure.
ossiningaling over 12 years ago
Or Captain Obvious.
burleigh2 over 12 years ago
“Playing dumb” is certainly a way to keep your identity secret. ;-)
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
We do know he’s able to calculate the trajectories of eye beams to hit a villain behind him.