Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 16, 2012
Captain Victory: Look at some of these action figures they made of me, Bixby! Bixby: What about 'em? Captain Victory: "Alpine cap with action tobaggan"?? "Jungle cap with action mosquito net"?? All they do is repaint the figure and then package it with some leftover from another toy! A kayak?? Why would I need a kayak? I can fly!! Why don't they make soemthing more in keeping with what I'd actually do? Bixby: Like what? Captain Victory: How 'bout "Craft Show Cap with Action Sequin Gun"? Bixby: You know spider-man's agent never has to go through this...
Just read through the archives… Are there plans to do new strips again, or is the series over? 3 months is a long time for reruns.