Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for May 04, 2015
Ralston: Y'know, Tyr, you're like a living history book! You've been around for millenia! You've seen empires rise and crumble! You've seen civilizations grow from infancy to brilliance! So what's the most astonishing thing you've noticed between now and then?? Tyr: I still find bathtubs pretty astonishing. Ralston: You've seen a bathtub?
Ages ago now, Howard K. Smith and Harry Reasoner used to offer comments as well as news on ABC. Once early April evening, Reasoner took on the myth that Millard Fillmore was the first president to have a bathtub in the White House. Ultimately, Reasoner concluded that it was purely myth that Fillmore was the first president to have a bathtub in the White House. “Actually,” said Reasoner with a smirk, “there is no bathtub in the White House.” Did I mention that it was a very early April evening? Like April 1?