Maybe Dorothy does need to be more direct SOMEtimes, but in this case, she’s just being sarcastic, and her meaning is pretty plain. I would have a hard time, myself, with someone who couldn’t understand a little sarcasm, whether in anger, or more often, with me, in jest. And Jane, as best I can recall from when this ran, is NOT being exactly forthcoming herself as to her own other relationships. When she’s trying to fudge the truth, why should she expect heartfelt honesty from Dorothy?
Maybe Dorothy does need to be more direct SOMEtimes, but in this case, she’s just being sarcastic, and her meaning is pretty plain. I would have a hard time, myself, with someone who couldn’t understand a little sarcasm, whether in anger, or more often, with me, in jest. And Jane, as best I can recall from when this ran, is NOT being exactly forthcoming herself as to her own other relationships. When she’s trying to fudge the truth, why should she expect heartfelt honesty from Dorothy?