I am seriously surprised that you made Santa a white guy.
I am in central NH and while there are not many people of that melatonin content, the local Lowe’s has a black Santa decoration option.
Yes, I realize that the Santa origin story is from way north, but that sort of history hasn’t dissuaded people from altering other long-standing fictional characters’ appearance (see: The Little Mermaid).
Points for you guys for sticking with the “original” Santa!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 12 months ago
Vampiric aphotogenesis excepted.
jagedlo 12 months ago
That look on Joe’s face in the final panel!
Ellis97 12 months ago
Either this Mall Santa is a great actor, or this is the real deal.
crookedwolf Premium Member 12 months ago
They can afford to pay for it; money grows on trees, after all!
brooklyn51 12 months ago
The tree is free, however there are administrative costs and handling fees.
Mike Baldwin creator 12 months ago
That convinced me!
Laurie Stoker Premium Member 12 months ago
I love this one! Thank you, Robb, you’ve outdone yourself!!! ❤️
dnotkin Premium Member 12 months ago
I am seriously surprised that you made Santa a white guy.
I am in central NH and while there are not many people of that melatonin content, the local Lowe’s has a black Santa decoration option.
Yes, I realize that the Santa origin story is from way north, but that sort of history hasn’t dissuaded people from altering other long-standing fictional characters’ appearance (see: The Little Mermaid).
Points for you guys for sticking with the “original” Santa!