La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for April 26, 2011
Anchor Baby News Up all night...again Gibby Isabel Isabel: Fox News says, "Why fund Planned Parenthood when you can get female reproductive health services at any Walgreen's?" Gibby: I don't understand what female reproductive health services are- I'm just a baby. Isabel: What's your excuse, Fox?
Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago
….but continuing to give billions in subsidies to hugely successful oil companies…..that’s different
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
If the GOP can’t muzzle the Religious Right (Huckabee, Palin, Santorum, etc.), they are going to lose in 2012. The only issue that should be on the table is how to stop the bankrupting of America.
(Nighty: How do you think they got so successful? … Just kidding. I oppose corporate welfare along with the other kind, though I suspect you pick and chose what welfare you do and don’t like. I’m against the governmental redistribution of anyone’s earnings, big or small.)
Dirty Dragon over 13 years ago
Actually, individual ‘welfare’ ended under Bill Clinton in the 90’s, it’s handled by the states now. Of course now that it’s gone, the wingnuts continue to fear monger over the deficit they (80-90%) caused, and try and scrape every dollar out of the social safety net so the money can be re-purposed as tax cuts. (Note that the Ryan budget actually causes $4 trillion in additional deficits over the next decade.)
And about that corporate welfare, subsidies for big oil companies and tax breaks for Wall Street banks? The stuff that ‘conservatives’ pretend to abhor while continuing to support politicians that lavish our money on CEO’s? (see above)
Remember all those new TeePee legislators swept into office last year, the ones who were going to end “business as usual”? All but four of them voted for the Ryan/GOP budget to end Medicare - so we can give more tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. Only four of them voted against it.
Bender_Sastre over 13 years ago
I’m afraid we don’t do that at Walgreens, but if you’re concerned about getting pregnant before you’re ready, we can always give you a bottle of aspirin to hold between you knees.
DjGuardian over 13 years ago
Actually, using that same line of logic… “they are not babies” would be the answer.
To be fair, I wouldn’t want to go to a walmart or walgreens for anything other than the flu or very basic care.
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
DD: Welfare is welfare, federal or state. Besides, federal food stamps, child welfare, and tax refunds to low-income families who pay no taxes just cloud the picture.
steelersneo over 13 years ago
Perfect contraception, keep your legs closed