La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for December 03, 2014
The Beandocks Cuco Rocha: Seems Republicans want to condemn you for doing your job and issuing executive orders on immigration. Cuco Rocha: I guess you're guilty as charged! Presidentobama1: That makes me sad. I just wanted to fit in and be like the white presidents, like Bush and Reagan. AND ALL THE PRESIDENTS IN THE LAST 50 YEARS.
*Lalo’s unnecessarily bringing in race (white presidents).
Or he’s making a point about racial disparities in how this president has been treated compared to others.
*Lalo’s singling out Republicans as bad guys for wanting Obama to work within the Constitutional guidelines, and at the same time implying that Democrats apparently DON’T want that.
Or he’s pointing out that a perfectly legal and constitutional action by Obama is now hypocritically and cynically called not so by Republicans.
The rest of your points fall completely apart because your assumption that a president taking this sort of executive action isn’t legal is quite simply wrong.
Lalo the Beandocks Eater
He’s eating a place? I mean, I’ve heard of actors who chew up scenery…
all his supporters who love and slavishly worship him
Nice try at preemptively dismissing those who disagree with you. The problem is, facts are your enemy, as usual. But of course your dislike of brown presidents and cartoonists blinds you to this. And so you’ll natter on uselessly, working hard to poison the well of discussion, since there’s nothing else you can do about either of their existence short of dark fantasy.