I continue to be perplexed by people who think that the flaws and peccadilloes of artists have so contaminated their work that the art itself has somehow become contagious. Ludwig van Beethoven was a sloppy, spendthrift wastrel who was insufferable to his friends and demeaning to his neighbors. Does that mean that the 5th Symphony is now unlistenable? What we know about the best ways to recover from hypothermia is based on Josef Mengele’s ice-tank experiments on captured Russian soldiers. Does that mean that we should never use the knowledge to help modern freezing victims?
I continue to be perplexed by people who think that the flaws and peccadilloes of artists have so contaminated their work that the art itself has somehow become contagious. Ludwig van Beethoven was a sloppy, spendthrift wastrel who was insufferable to his friends and demeaning to his neighbors. Does that mean that the 5th Symphony is now unlistenable? What we know about the best ways to recover from hypothermia is based on Josef Mengele’s ice-tank experiments on captured Russian soldiers. Does that mean that we should never use the knowledge to help modern freezing victims?
The work is independent of the worker.