Yes, the ignorance on this topic will make you drop to the ground and gnaw sticks! All of the states have programs set up to establish a framework for the legal recruitment and hiring of seasonal foreign workers for American farms. Otherwise, there would be no food. I know this because my pa once headed the department in the state agency here in Virginia that oversees this process. Right, so all around this state, basically all of the apples and peaches, for instance, are harvested and processed by Mexicans. Otherwise, yes, there’d be lots of peach and apple cider, which sounds okay til you realize that would also mean no peach cobblers and no apple pies. That said, many of these farm workers are brought in illegally, and mainly because doing it this way is cheaper, unless you’re caught. In other words, many years ago America hung out a “Help Wanted” sign, and now we have a so-called immigration crisis. It’s really shameful that only one political party sincerely cares about solving it, while the other trolls for votes by telling the lie that we all need to be afraid of the hordes of “rapists and murderers” trying to cross our borders.
Templo S.U.D. over 1 year ago
hello, scurvy city
face.less_b over 1 year ago
Mmmmmmm. Orange juice kombucha.
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 1 year ago
Well, if you think about it, there’s a huge market for wine, which is basically rotten grapes.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 1 year ago
I’m afraid hipster could really like that disgusting thing.
RadioDial Premium Member over 1 year ago
“This juice ain’t going to squeeze itself!”
mistercatworks over 1 year ago
I prefer my orange juice with fewer delicate hints of racism, paternalism and xenophobia.
shw123 over 1 year ago
Yes, the ignorance on this topic will make you drop to the ground and gnaw sticks! All of the states have programs set up to establish a framework for the legal recruitment and hiring of seasonal foreign workers for American farms. Otherwise, there would be no food. I know this because my pa once headed the department in the state agency here in Virginia that oversees this process. Right, so all around this state, basically all of the apples and peaches, for instance, are harvested and processed by Mexicans. Otherwise, yes, there’d be lots of peach and apple cider, which sounds okay til you realize that would also mean no peach cobblers and no apple pies. That said, many of these farm workers are brought in illegally, and mainly because doing it this way is cheaper, unless you’re caught. In other words, many years ago America hung out a “Help Wanted” sign, and now we have a so-called immigration crisis. It’s really shameful that only one political party sincerely cares about solving it, while the other trolls for votes by telling the lie that we all need to be afraid of the hordes of “rapists and murderers” trying to cross our borders.
Free Radical over 1 year ago
All florida malls will soon have an Orange Foolius
bike2sac over 1 year ago
Fermented, not rotten.
GaryCooper over 1 year ago
Orange Kombucha!