So…. Assuming everyone of a race is dumb, ignorant and evil… thats racists, right? What is it when you portrait some of the biggest scumbags in the planet “coyotes” as charming, smart, pro-freedom people ?
The ONLY people who should fear “Communism” are the very wealthy, But they want YOU to fear it too, so they bribe GOP politicians to fearmonger using as an evil buzzword to give a name to anything that is good for you but BAD for them.
Healthcare? Great for you, awful for them, it’s burns them to think you’ll be living an extra 30 years on their dime and getting Social Security and your pension or a 401k to boot! How dare you!
Social Security: You’ve paid into the fund your whole working life, even if you never worked in a place that offered any kind of retirement plan. SOCIALISM! You should be working your whole life, contributing instead of being a leech on society. The temerity!
Unions: Oh great! You’re all ganging up on me and trying to rob me of my profits I have a god given right to and to use and abuse you as I see fit. Not improving your working conditions or paying you a living wage, so I can have 3 homes and 10 cars. It should inspire you to work harder to be just like me. Believe me when I say: “Hard work is it’s own reward”
More socialism: Libraries, Police, Ambulance, and fire services, along with the Post Office, free clinics, food banks, social outreach and small business programs. There is a rapidly shrinking minority with a very loud voice who believe we don’t deserve these evil things. In November, VOTE them out, and they will fade away and get even weaker than they are now.
baraktorvan 9 months ago
It wouldn’t be senorita, it would be mademoiselle. It was made in France after all.
ChukLitl Premium Member 9 months ago
Britain sent their convicts & religious extremists.
scote1379 Premium Member 9 months ago
Wrong color helmets, they should be black with ss symbols and they are demanding " your papers Fraulein "
think it through 9 months ago
Red neck trumpies don’t believe in that freedom crap.
Serial Pedant 9 months ago
Fer shur! (ValleySpeak)
Kalkkuna 9 months ago
Arsonist-communist. Look at that torch.
Geezer 9 months ago
Nowadays, the huddled masses are yearning for free stuff. Why work for a living in Mexico if you can freeload off U.S. taxpayers?
leonardonyc 9 months ago
So…. Assuming everyone of a race is dumb, ignorant and evil… thats racists, right? What is it when you portrait some of the biggest scumbags in the planet “coyotes” as charming, smart, pro-freedom people ?
Space_cat 9 months ago
The ONLY people who should fear “Communism” are the very wealthy, But they want YOU to fear it too, so they bribe GOP politicians to fearmonger using as an evil buzzword to give a name to anything that is good for you but BAD for them.
Healthcare? Great for you, awful for them, it’s burns them to think you’ll be living an extra 30 years on their dime and getting Social Security and your pension or a 401k to boot! How dare you!
Social Security: You’ve paid into the fund your whole working life, even if you never worked in a place that offered any kind of retirement plan. SOCIALISM! You should be working your whole life, contributing instead of being a leech on society. The temerity!
Unions: Oh great! You’re all ganging up on me and trying to rob me of my profits I have a god given right to and to use and abuse you as I see fit. Not improving your working conditions or paying you a living wage, so I can have 3 homes and 10 cars. It should inspire you to work harder to be just like me. Believe me when I say: “Hard work is it’s own reward”
More socialism: Libraries, Police, Ambulance, and fire services, along with the Post Office, free clinics, food banks, social outreach and small business programs. There is a rapidly shrinking minority with a very loud voice who believe we don’t deserve these evil things. In November, VOTE them out, and they will fade away and get even weaker than they are now.
mistercatworks 9 months ago
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free and I will bill you later.”
Richard S Russell Premium Member 9 months ago
The full poem, well worth re-reading every now and again:
The New Colossus, by Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
bluecat 9 months ago
Keep Amerka for da lokals!