I would have to search the archives, but I’m 99% sure I recall a series of strips about 5-6 years ago when Lio decided he was tired of wasting his time begging for Eva’s affections and stopped pursuing her. It drove her nuts that he was no longer showering her with attention and started chasing him.
In panel 3 she looks like the daughter of the “Mouth of Sauron”, from Lord of the Rings, Return of the King: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=OzBpjv0L&id=F15AAF454838B67C9C4FD082DD7F5FBC53EE9C1F&thid=OIP.OzBpjv0LEr_afWNb_kykGwHaDH&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fmedia.tumblr.com%2ff6be2e589ab9baedf28484e1848b3a51%2ftumblr_inline_mlt51l1Mim1qz4rgp.jpg&exph=210&expw=500&q=monster+at+gate+in+lord+of+the+rings+return&simid=608052168554907393&selectedIndex=8
Templo S.U.D. about 5 years ago
Cannot take a hint, can you, Lio? Your hovering heart is conveying something.
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
Some small animals puff themselves up to scare off bigger threats.
But has Lio’s heart lost heart?
zmech13 Premium Member about 5 years ago
I Quit! I Quit!
‘cause loving you’s a job I don’t need
Lyons Group, Inc. about 5 years ago
Lio: “You can’t quit! That’s not in your job description!”
snappyboy about 5 years ago
Bad teeth and bad breath!
jagedlo about 5 years ago
Not been a good couple of days for you, huh, Lio (see yesterday’s Lio)?
Khatkhattu Premium Member about 5 years ago
Braunschweiger and Onion with garlic mustard on rye?
jimboklein about 5 years ago
I would have to search the archives, but I’m 99% sure I recall a series of strips about 5-6 years ago when Lio decided he was tired of wasting his time begging for Eva’s affections and stopped pursuing her. It drove her nuts that he was no longer showering her with attention and started chasing him.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Smart move girl, get out of the strip and away from this total weirdo.
Snoots about 5 years ago
The heart may have quit… but Lio just found a girl who can transmorph into hideous. That’s like a bright light to a moth.
Stephen Gilberg about 5 years ago
I thought she was going to eat it.
craigwestlake about 5 years ago
How can she quit what she never began?…
Airbender about 5 years ago
In panel 3 she looks like the daughter of the “Mouth of Sauron”, from Lord of the Rings, Return of the King: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=OzBpjv0L&id=F15AAF454838B67C9C4FD082DD7F5FBC53EE9C1F&thid=OIP.OzBpjv0LEr_afWNb_kykGwHaDH&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fmedia.tumblr.com%2ff6be2e589ab9baedf28484e1848b3a51%2ftumblr_inline_mlt51l1Mim1qz4rgp.jpg&exph=210&expw=500&q=monster+at+gate+in+lord+of+the+rings+return&simid=608052168554907393&selectedIndex=8
Jonathan Bridge Premium Member about 5 years ago
There’s something to put on Sweethearts candy.