When I was about ten, there was an air show put on at my hometown’s airport. The main attraction was the US Navy’s Blue Angels, but there were several other impressive airplane and parachuting acts. Also, several military aircraft were flown in and parked off of the runway for people to marvel at.
As I was walking around, I saw several people sitting atop one of the transport planes. I looked around and found out how they must’ve climbed up there. I then climbed up myself and started socializing with them. One of them was the pilot who actually flew that plane into the air show.
Just before the Blue Angels were to start their flyovers, a group of people shouted up to the pilot and asked if they could climb up. He turned them down, saying that everyone up there was just immediate family and close friends. I immediately felt embarrassed, since I was neither.
Then, the pilot turned to me, gave me $20, and asked if I would go get some refreshments from the food vendors. I quickly went and got him everything he asked for. After I delivered the food, he didn’t say anything about me not being family or a friend. He simply let me stay up there to get a great view of the show.
Accidentally Under Cover
When I was about ten, there was an air show put on at my hometown’s airport. The main attraction was the US Navy’s Blue Angels, but there were several other impressive airplane and parachuting acts. Also, several military aircraft were flown in and parked off of the runway for people to marvel at.
As I was walking around, I saw several people sitting atop one of the transport planes. I looked around and found out how they must’ve climbed up there. I then climbed up myself and started socializing with them. One of them was the pilot who actually flew that plane into the air show.
Just before the Blue Angels were to start their flyovers, a group of people shouted up to the pilot and asked if they could climb up. He turned them down, saying that everyone up there was just immediate family and close friends. I immediately felt embarrassed, since I was neither.
Then, the pilot turned to me, gave me $20, and asked if I would go get some refreshments from the food vendors. I quickly went and got him everything he asked for. After I delivered the food, he didn’t say anything about me not being family or a friend. He simply let me stay up there to get a great view of the show.