It’s hard for me to be amused by this, since my late Partner was KILLED by an incompetent Doctor misdiagnosing his Lymphatic Cancer and thinking that it could be treated by antibiotics, since she was the ONLY Doctor that the Insurance Company he had would use. He had to FIGHT for over a month before they would cover the cost of even a biopsy on his tissues, and over 3 months before they could finally allow him to get a PET scan, by which time the Cancer had spread throughout his entire body. Then, while in the Hospital after Cancer surgery, he developed a MRSA infection, which finished him off, since his immune system was so compromised that he could not endure any more.
It’s hard for me to be amused by this, since my late Partner was KILLED by an incompetent Doctor misdiagnosing his Lymphatic Cancer and thinking that it could be treated by antibiotics, since she was the ONLY Doctor that the Insurance Company he had would use. He had to FIGHT for over a month before they would cover the cost of even a biopsy on his tissues, and over 3 months before they could finally allow him to get a PET scan, by which time the Cancer had spread throughout his entire body. Then, while in the Hospital after Cancer surgery, he developed a MRSA infection, which finished him off, since his immune system was so compromised that he could not endure any more.