You can do it!! After this, burning buildings will hold no threat.
“Smothered by affection” must look like this!
Poor oxygen starved LuAnn.
Brad’s gonna get nummmed.
Luann’s come up for air! 8^ )
My family were not huggers. i am still totally lost every time my best friends daughter runs up to hug me when she sees me. She’s done it for over 10 years and i still have not gotten used to being hugged.
Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Greg Evans
May 24, 2016
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
You can do it!! After this, burning buildings will hold no threat.
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
“Smothered by affection” must look like this!
Dkram over 4 years ago
Poor oxygen starved LuAnn.
micromos over 4 years ago
Brad’s gonna get nummmed.
Tyge over 4 years ago
Luann’s come up for air! 8^ )
theincrediblebulk over 4 years ago
My family were not huggers. i am still totally lost every time my best friends daughter runs up to hug me when she sees me. She’s done it for over 10 years and i still have not gotten used to being hugged.