Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 08, 1991
Luann: Dear diary: The saddest 3 words in the English language are "Back to school" Luann: Followed by: "no boyfriend yet" Luann: Well, here it is. The first day of school... Delta: Yeah. Luann: And this year, I'm going to get Aaron Hill's attention once and for all! Read this! "To the sexiest, cutest boy on the planet: I, Luann DeGroot, absolutely worship every perfect molecule in your incredible being and I can't wait one more day for you to notice me! Passionately, Luann. Delta: Whew! This is hot stuff, Luann! Perfumed, even! Luann: Now watch this. luann: I'm putting it right into his locker. There's no turning back now! Delta: Wait a minute-I thought Aaron's locker was 406. Luann: It is-ohmygaw! Delta: I wonder who has this lock Boy: Scuse me. Luann: Well, here it is, the last day of school. Delta: Bye. Boy: Hey!! Anyone know a Luann DeGroot? She's like hot for me, man!
First appearance of Elwood Druit, though he’d be unseen for over a decade after.