Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 30, 1991
Delta: Sup? Bernice: Luann wen through the house of horrors holding what she thought was my arm-but it was Aaron Hill's. She nearly croaked. Luann: Hey-maybe he didn't know who I was cuz of this outfit? delta: Wait a sec. I Thought you wanted Aaron Hill to know who you are. Bernice: Yeah. Isn't that why you wore that outfit? Luann: Well, yeah...but I don't want him to notice me because of my...I mean, I want him to notice Luann: Stop confusing me!! Delta: He probably liked what he thought he saw 'cuz he believed what you aren't is what you are, but you're probably not. Bernice: Probl'y.
“Stop confusing me! That’s my job!”