Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 03, 1998
Title is "Pop-Up Luann." Caption points to bed and says, "This bed was once used in a 'Cathy' strip." Caption points to Luann's hair and says, "Hasn't had a new hairstyle since she was born." Another points to poster of Hansons and asys, "Hates the group, loves the poster." Caption points to wall color and says, "This paint color is 'Country Sunset'." Another points to the dog and says, "Puddles' name is also a description of a bad habit." As Luann sets the alarm, pop-up says, "When this goes off, she'll bash it and go to sleep." It is dark, and last pop-up says, "She snores."
Awe man, I loved “Pop Up Video”. I wish it was still on TV