Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 16, 1998
Luann looks in the mirror and thinks, "Oh, great. A monster zit. Well, I have 3 options.." Luann thinks, "I can ignore it." Luann, however, feels like she has a t-shirt with an arrow pointing up to her zit. The t-shirt says, "Monster zit she pretends isn't here." A boy looks at her as they sit in class. The next scenario is, "I can mess with it." The zit is bigger, and her t-shirt says, "Monster zit she didn't leave alone." The boy is laughing at her zit. Next scenario is, "I can try to cover it." T-shirt says, "Monster zit she tried to hide." Boy is hysterically laughing at the even more noticeable attempt to hide the zit. Nancy looks into Luann's room and yells, "Luann!! Why aren't you up?!!" Luann is hidng under the sheet. She replies, "4th option."
yea I never understand that,im a girl and I don’t think I got a bigggg zit before I like hm ok then that all