Captain: "I have some bad news, Degroot. I've been asked to trim the budget. I have to let go of...someone. Since you were the last hire...."
Captain: "I'm afraid you're the one to go"
Captain: "I'm sorry, Brad. You've been an outstanding firefighter"
jwhouk67 over 13 years ago
Scrum over 13 years ago
Only 1 station has to trim their budget or does Toni get the boot at her station too?
Tirasmol over 13 years ago
oh that hurts. poor Brad.
Wenthral over 13 years ago
Outstanding except for the formal reprimand he received for saving someones life.
MontanaLady over 13 years ago
Oh, Greg…….Brad is a nerd, but, he really works hard…..How can you do away with his job?What are the other stations gonna do?Equal Opportunity,…………….!!!
Chocoloop over 13 years ago
Oh man…Stunner
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
As we feared, poor Brad has been axed in the name of irony. I hope that, after his situation is made fun of by some, he will be re-hired or will find a decent new job. I don’t think real tragedy will befall him, because he is too much of a central member of the Luann cast….
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Sisyphos — that’s his REAL job security right there. He’s probably in some union for professional comic strip characters.
koalablue80 over 13 years ago
Such a bummer! Hope he gets a job with another fire department.
JerryTheK over 13 years ago
Captain or Gone Out at home.
JerryTheK over 13 years ago
Coster is a Jerk!
9thCapricorn over 13 years ago
Exactly as I predicted…the newest hires are let go first, and I knew Brad would be let go. That’s really bummer. Now it is a big test for Toni…Will she still want Brad?
9thCapricorn over 13 years ago
To quote a poster at Greg’s forum, Toni is also a new hire and might get laid off, too.
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
Well, he’ll now be free to babysit Shannon all he wants while Toni complains about what a no-good her brother is. And the station floors might actually get mopped.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 13 years ago
Brad became a fireman because of what happen that terrible day 10 years ago this coming September. And now this. Sad. Really sad.
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
You know what might be interesting but won’t happen?Brad tries to keep his firing a secret from his family, goes “to work” every day, and in order to make ends meet, takes up a position in TJ’s secret drug smuggling ring.
Ottodesu over 13 years ago
Well, at least the tattoo is permanent.
cdward over 13 years ago
Even a garbage man can be let go if the finances aren’t right. Being let go because of budget cuts does not make a person a loser. What is your problem?
ravonlea over 13 years ago
Poor Brad. Good Luck. Yeah Brad and Greg show us the courage, strength and fortitude of spirit to get though this as so many people are now faced with similar situations. BTW is is not always the last hired is the first to be let go. When my company went thru a major down sizing, and had to " trim the budget" they let permanent pple go, in favor of Temps as they were cheaper to keep. I had 22 years in and excellent reviews and while i was one of the last regulars to be cut( they went by performance reviews), The cut all of us regulars full time people with seniority and kept the temps til the very end as they were paying less for them and did not have to pay benefits. Brad is young and has a good record, so he should be able to find something else, even if it is out of town…. interesting development for his relationship w/ Toni…. and You CAN NOT OUTSOURCE FIREFIGHTERS
sottwell over 13 years ago
Nowadays you can’t get rid of the dead weight that’s been hanging around forever, you have to let the newest one go no matter how good.
Dconskjk over 13 years ago
And…boom. I knew that would happen.
ctsignguy over 13 years ago
Susan and Sissy: If all else fails, maybe Bixby at ‘Ink Pen" can find Brad a new job….maybe as an extra at ’Hagar the Horrible’ in one of the many battle scenes….
brownswan over 13 years ago
Brad has skills as an auto mechanic, along with his paramedic background. I think he will go through a period of personal doubt that will test his relationship with Toni, then he will find himself in a new vocation. Toni will surely be there with him — I hope!
kerryperson1 over 13 years ago
I hate it when my favorite comics get political, its always essential services that get cut instead of the boondogle entitlement programs,or, why not cut one of the many mid level beauracrats???
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
I’m reminded of the old cartoon: “Work HARD and Ye SHALL be Rewarded!” The only thing missing is that giant screw.So what now? Will Brad have to leave the Horner House now that he has no job? Yeah I KNOW Brad’s folks own it, but Business is BUSINESS. Well Brad can always go back to being an EMT and theres ALWAYS Military Service. Some how I got a BAD feeling that Brad’s next job will put him direct contact (Shudder) Dirk! I need COFFEE!!!
mjb515 over 13 years ago
Nice arbitrary criteria to take away someone livelihood on.
duggersd Premium Member over 13 years ago
Brad is an outstanding firefighter? And are there others less effective? And why is it only last hired, first fired? This is the problem with the union mentality. They do not look for the best; the look for the least seniority.
lrpete Premium Member over 13 years ago
The joys of unions. Don’t get rid of deadwood, get rid of new people.
fastfred over 13 years ago
Brad needs to marryToni go to college, flunk out, have 5 kids and live on welfare.
marvee over 13 years ago
The last we saw of Dirk, he said goodbye. Don’t think we ever found out where he was going but I think out of town.
prrdh over 13 years ago
How does it feel to be consumed with blinding hatred for a cartoon character?
StoicLion1973 over 13 years ago
I hope something comes along for Brad. I doubt TJ alone will pay the bills on their rental.
Robert Mason over 13 years ago
This is a sad reminder of how I had to lay off an employee when the economy tanked. Not funny. I thought this was a “comic”
Doctor11 over 13 years ago
I was afraid that would happen, but I think it’s dumb to fire Brad just because he was the last one to be hired.
tegm over 13 years ago
I’ve been there, and I know how much it sucks…. it really hurts.
Bucinka over 13 years ago
I like the idea of the National Guard. Yesterday I also posted about him going back to being an EMT; not sure if that would play out.Does Greg come over here and read our comments? Think he gets ideas for storylines from us sometimes?
jawgocomics over 13 years ago
I know how Brad feels. I was last hired, first laid off, too. I’m still looking for a job, after two and a half years! I’m partially disabled and in my mid-fifties. What are my chances of ever working again? At least Brad is still young enough to find other work.
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago
..this maybe an opportunity for Brad to try different jobs for prue comic goodness.I don’t see Toni letting him go-ever.Brad has matured.He will find work-even if it’s in a temp service or starting up his own business.Speaking of service..the service might become a choice.
MermaidStitcher over 13 years ago
i am thinking new city as a fireman or into the service… See what long distance relationship test is like.
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
The problem with this kind of thing in this strip is this: You can have overtly political strips like Doonesbury (absolutely my favourite cartoon strip, anywhere), or completely apolitical strips like, say, The Born Loser or Curtis. It’s when a strip tries a crossover of this type, going halfway, that it comes a cropper. Evans tried and shied away from political comment before (Bernice’s brother the ex-Iraq vet – pace Toggle of Doonesbury) and then retreated quickly to safer territory. He hasn’t even integrated his cast – the one Token Black and Latina (and Jew, if Bernice is one) aside, it’s completely upper middle class white. He needs to decide whether he wants to stay apolitical or be definitely political. I strongly suspect that this storyline won’t maintain the political part; once Brad’s firing is a done deal, we’re not going to hear any shades of politics in relation to it again.
Charles Weir over 13 years ago
I agree on both counts, CJBz. Toni may go back to her station and get the same news. And if she doesn’t the test of their relationship will come up.Maybe they’ll give Brad two weeks and near the end there’ll be a major fire where Brad does something heroic and gets to keep his job.Time will tell, but in any event, Greg will probably be at ComicCon next month. We can always “lean on him” to get Brad back.
luannfan over 13 years ago
For all the people complaining about unions, remember when jobs were held or gotten thru cronyism and mob connections.
aeleen over 13 years ago
Damn, I don’t want this kind of drama in my comics!
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
Just about anyone who reads this strip thinks that. Whether we like or hate Brad, we find him more interesting than Luann, anytime, anywhere.
pahosler over 13 years ago
I wonder if the little attraction the Captain has/had for Toni might not have a little something to do with it. It’s an excellent way to get rid of your competition.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago
I guessed this is the end of Brad’s career.
Carole Petrini over 13 years ago
Aw shoot…no way, give him a break. He should be able to keep his job!! No fair!
forefrontsc Premium Member over 13 years ago
Forget about being “an outstanding firefighter”, last hired, first fired….another problem with unions Merit doesn’t count only seniority. Bad deal for everyone of responsibility.
Prof_Bleen over 13 years ago
Welcome, Brad, to our Tea Party paradise.
billdi Premium Member over 13 years ago
there’s nothing political about getting laid off — it crosses all political and party lines. and blaming unions for brad’s layoff is absurd. in my three layoffs seniority did not protect me (and yes i was in a union) in fact seniority worked against me because of my age and benefit costs,
bugaboo27 over 13 years ago
Next up: Toni’s brother takes off for Hollywood, leaving Shannon abandoned. Brad will step in as full-time daycare provider and Toni will bring home the paycheck!
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago
….the trouble most people have with unions is that they protect all of their members equally. The merit equation does not equal fair representation.It is slanderous propaganda inferring that most older blue collar workers lazily breeze through their jobs.A myth created by anti- unionist and Fox News. The vast majority of all American workers is that they are loyal to their jobs and put in a fair days work.To say otherwise is both dishonest and unforgivable to Americans everywhere!
lightenup Premium Member over 13 years ago
Ugh, it’s like with teachers. They let the newest hire go first when it should be the ones who are doing terrible work.
boldyuma over 13 years ago
Well’s a comic strip..where anything can happen. (and usually does.)
Christopher999 over 13 years ago
I saw this coming…. what’s the point of reading a comic strip when the comic matches reality. Now there’s unemployment in fantasy land and reality. Not having fun.
9thCapricorn over 13 years ago
I agree. :-) When I made that remark, it was more in reference to her relationship with Brad. She admired that he had a job just before he got canned. I was not referring to whether Toni would make it out okay. Out of the two lovebirds, Toni has other skills, job potentials while Brad doesn’t, so it’s “poor Brad,” and not “poor Toni.”
doverdan over 13 years ago
I predict a major fire before Brad is off the job. He may be hurt or a hero, or some newly realized risk factor may save his job. == Or possibly another fire fighter is injured and decides to take early retirement. == Toni got her job earlier, so she may have enough seniority.
doverdan over 13 years ago
Lets not jump into politics, current economic problems are not of one cause.
Ken8338 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Greg, please end this story arc quickly. It hits too close to home.
Dale342 over 13 years ago
He should call his Union Rep. Thant ain’t right. Is he in a right to work state?
Andy Fields over 13 years ago
There are so many people getting laid off today that I think this was the right thing to do. It’s rare for comic strips like this one to depict tragic situations. The one that comes to mind is For Better Or Worse when the dog died. I doubt we will see other tragedies piled on top of this one such as Toni breaking up with him. Luann is just not that kind of strip though that is just my gut feeling. I could see Brad ending up with a job with less prestige such as working at a fast food place.
maxmouse2099ad over 13 years ago
Sadly, this IS actually happening all over.
TELawrence over 13 years ago
Back to EMT work. If that doesn’t work, he can always become a prison guard—unpleasant work, but the money is good.
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
I know the fire drill well. Last frame from yesterday was the smoke. First frame today was the flames. Second was the hose. The last was the shovel. Buck up Brad. Pittsville is not the only town with Firehouses. And it can’t be a job where there are No openings anywhere.
Sarah Colvig over 13 years ago
angel6897 over 13 years ago
Since when do they fire firefighter’s?!
Pipe Tobacco over 13 years ago
So, if Brad is laid off…. but he has paramedic training (I missed that story arc… it was before I discovered and, but after my paper dumped Luann)? Is this paramedic training he had not useful? Did he fail at it? If not… if he is still qualified as a paramedic, it seems that he could still try to find something in that area… it is a bit broader than a firefigher alone. Any thoughts?
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
Is it too late for him to catch up with Toni and Shannon on the way to the zoo?
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago
Yes….I do,if news is what you call it….I also listen to Fox radio…its more of a cult thing…mostly anti-American tripe that hides its big business propaganda behind God and the flag….my question about Fox is it is so right why does it feel it needs to mis -lead instead of lead? The only Americans that think like Fox news are the ones that watch Fox news ….sad when you think about it
Trails4GMZ over 13 years ago
Well, at least he can now conduct his personal business & flirting w/Toni w/o the tax payers paying for it.
RBLawyer over 13 years ago
Sunnyvale, Ca. has “public safety officers”. All are police, fire and paramedic trained. They can take blood sample on site in cases of suspected DUI.
SevenOfCups over 13 years ago
Greg Evans just tried my life! Poor Brad!Brad x Toni is the reason I read this strip. I know they’ll stay together, but seriously, cutting Brad is cold! ;A;
Mickturn over 13 years ago
This situation follows the twisted deceptive logic that fire fighters, police and teachers are laid off while useless bureaucrats are still at work yet doing nothing. Brad should take this as a call to arms and challenge the lay off as bureaucrat self serving…organize firefighters to challenge the whole premise of WHO gets laid off in tough times!
kfccanada over 13 years ago
I agree with the commenter who stated that he thought Brad’s boss was simply getting rid of Brad because he wanted to make time with Toni. That scenario also happens a lot in the workplace.
Should his boss try to go after Toni, I suspect Brad would have grounds to fight the decision re:his job termination.
TlalocW over 13 years ago
Well, now Brad is free to go start his own fire fighting business… er, fire station. With a little hard work and support from family and friends, he’ll show them all!
ST Joe River Premium Member over 13 years ago
I thought that it was the last hire of the department not by stations. He should got to another station as it seems that he has been on the force for several years now. ??? Oh well it is a comic strip and he needs to get laid off and that is how it is. LOL
ST Joe River Premium Member over 13 years ago
What does the green PRO mean by some names and not others
arbyisme over 13 years ago
Greg knows how to stir things up and brings more than a little reality to his DeGroot saga. Over a hundred comments. Many folks in the same boat as Brad and more to come. This to will pass.
Orion-13 over 13 years ago
Remember y’all, Greg’s famous for tackling real-world difficulties in Luann; It’s one of the many things I love about this strip. Delta’s Cancer, Bernice’s crush on a druggie, Luann’s first period, Miguel covering for Tiffany’s cheating, Dirk, Brad and Toni…Let’s see what he’s got in mind.He doesn’t have to be being political (‘go unions!’ OR ‘go sane budgets!’) to acknowledge a real-world situation. Like many here, my bet is that he’ll use this to see where Brad and Toni go. This will be a great way for Brad to show Toni how HE deals with adversity. Jobs are tight even for very highly qualified people. Let’s see where he goes with it. I’d LOVE to see Brad be a Soldier (Go Army!). But that would likely kill any relationship with Toni due to the time away for IET (Initial Entry Training) and a probably deployment.Orion
Orion-13 over 13 years ago
Thanks for sharing, Bill. I’m a Soldier, so I’d be rooting for Brad, thanks. But one of the nice things about the United States is we can all have our own opinions. Orion
AnonymousUser over 13 years ago
What kind of reasoning is that anyway? ‘Last one in first one out?’ If you have to get rid of someone that is far from the best reason to do so.
Nuke2computer over 13 years ago
Typical union result. Get rid of the new guys not the least deserving.
jadelovesjelly over 13 years ago
Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member about 12 years ago
piggy_at_war about 12 years ago
Faith :) about 10 years ago
Neechan801 over 9 years ago
wait, last hire? they was someone after brad! remember the firetruck new hire? hat happened?!
bookworm1011 over 8 years ago