Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 09, 2012

  1. Roger
    Dabit  over 12 years ago

    LOL – Luann Gnome

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    Undrneath  over 12 years ago

    I always thought Luann was a blonde.

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    tmcleland  over 12 years ago

    Could there be a Luann switched-at-birth saga brewing?

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  4. Pc1
    TheDOCTOR  over 12 years ago

    I always thought Luann was a cutie, but lately shes been becoming more and more of a Hottie. When she stops trying so hard and lets it happen naturally.

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    i_am_the_jam  over 12 years ago

    My brother looks like my grandma :D

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    Luxurylife  over 12 years ago

    LOLZ for real XD that’s good. Hey maybe she could get a job with Travelocity

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  7. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 12 years ago

    Nancy, then, would be a gnome, too. That would made you a gnomette, Luann. You know, part of the back-up group.On tonight’s all-new Reba, Nancy and the Gnomettes, featuring Luann!

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  8. Mighty mouse
    Mighty_Mouse  over 12 years ago

    Hey, right. No colour photos back then.

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  9. Truff avatar
    ShagsCA  over 12 years ago

    I have dark hair, as does my wife, yet we produced a blonde!

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  10. Me
    SCOTTtheBADGER  over 12 years ago

    I wouldn’t mind owning a Chico Marx hat.

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    Tinyman  over 12 years ago

    I remember on the show Full House where the twin boys of Jessie and Becky wanted to get the shaggy haired boys a haircuts. Finally after their haircuts Jessie said “Oh look they got blue eyes.” If thats not a goof I dont know what is. The brown eye gene is dominant over blue eyes. My grandmother used to say I looked so much like my Grandfather before he lost his hair.

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  12. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  over 12 years ago

    So great Grandpa Clyde married Elvira and Mom has her hair.

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  13. Eartha kitt
    Jaymi Cee Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Well, she looks exactly like her mom in the face. So, the hair may have come direct from the gnome, but the features run in the family.

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  14. Mighty mouse
    Mighty_Mouse  over 12 years ago

    Obviously Greg reserves the name “Clyde” for ridiculous characters.

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    sarge112751  over 12 years ago

    I’d-a told her; “RUST !”

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  16. Cm1
    Mordock999  over 12 years ago

    Heh, Heh. “Hand-Tinted”.Very Funny.Because the picture was tinted by Greg’s own HAND.Therefore it was “Hand-Tinted”.I GET it.No, Really I do.I…., SAY, what the Heck is Great Gandpap SMOKING, Anyway?

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  17. Profilepic yellowwarbler
    Squoop  over 12 years ago

    The 2nd panel of this strip literally made me LOL!!! Good one Evans!

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Speaking as a redhead, I always thought Luann was a blonde…

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  19. Abadaba 2277951
    ABADABA  over 12 years ago

    5’10" Dark haired Brown eyed parents and three sisters one 6’ Blue eyed Blond daughter=my wife

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    Vince M  over 12 years ago

    Well, now she’s got a perfect idea for a Halloween costume.

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    chazandru  over 12 years ago

    Does being a Luann Gnome give her additional savings from Expedia, or whatever travel service the gnome offers?

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    LadyChel  over 12 years ago

    Hehehe, you wanna talk to Reba about this xD

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  23. Speedracer
    mr tom  over 12 years ago

    Mr. Evans, I must admit that I have not read Luann in sometime, however, as I am getting back to the story of her life’s adventures – I was wondering if you or someone knowledgeable of your work might briefly clue me in as to who “Quill” is? Most appreciated;

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    ncalifgirl58  over 12 years ago

    Orangy-red? Her hair is yellow. This strip is losing it’s edge.

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    Homeboy1865  over 12 years ago

    I thought she had yellow / blonde hair. Maybe Reba had a child when she was younger and gave her up for adoption so that she could pursue her singing career. Now Reba wants her back. Nancy is in denial and persists with the Great Grandpa Clyde story. I’m about Nancy’s age and my Great Grandpa died in 1973 when he was 80 years old. We have color photos of him.

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    i_am_the_jam  over 12 years ago

    Remember, people, we’ve just discovered that hair, eye, and skin color are NOT dictated by DNA.

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  27. Californiaraisinicon1
    bluegirl285  over 12 years ago

    i can’t believe that all these years of reading Luann and I never noticed that about her parents…

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    Shineclan  over 12 years ago

    She looks blonde to me.

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    joegeethree  over 12 years ago

    This strip hardly ever makes me laugh, it did this time.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    And I always thought you have blonde hair Luann.

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    Happicat2012  over 12 years ago

    LMAO!! Luanne’s dad is very witty!

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  32. Galaxy
    comixdoom  over 12 years ago

    Ok, whatever color Luann’s har is supposed to be, the color they use is not “orangey red.” It’s orange/yellow, or am I color blind?

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    AndiJ  over 12 years ago

    Yeah, looks yellow(blond) to me. ;) This reminds me of a friend. Her parents were both dark haired but all three sisters were varying shades of blond(friend was strawberry blond) and her daughters are both redheads. :)

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    Spode  over 12 years ago

    I imagine Greg Evans has been receiving letters since 1985 asking why Luann is the only blonde in a family of brunettes.

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  35. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 12 years ago

    love it! Luann has a new nickname … Lawn Gnome! Poor girl. If her friends find out they will never let her forget!

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    Spode  over 12 years ago

    Great-Grampa Clyde is clearly of the stock which gave rise to Luann and Brad and Nancy – just look at his nose.

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    K M  over 12 years ago

    There’s no face like gnome.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 12 years ago

    This was a good one and answers definitively the genetics involved in her DNA AND HAIR COLOR.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 12 years ago

    “Luann, since Reba is your real mom,”-You’d think Reba’d notice a thing like that. Oh well, we already knew time flowed differently in comic strip universe, now it seems gestation does too.

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  40. Ipta3
    Carrots  over 7 years ago

    Now we know

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    Aladar30 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    An incredible resemblance!

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  42. Dd2001gv
    DevilDog2001 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    “Luann Gnome!” Love it!

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