Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 07, 2014
Brad: "I hope you appreciate your Christmas gift, Luann. I tried to get it online, but they're out of stock until March!" Brad: "So I went to the mall- which was jammed! I drove around looking for parking then ran out of gas. I had to walk two miles to a gas station to fill a can. When I finally got into the mall, I went to nine stores and could not find your gift!!" Luann: "Wow. Sorry you had such a hard time, Brad" Brad: "Yeah. Well, I guess you'll get your stupid gift in March" Luann: "And a Merry Christmas to you, too"
Well, mates, since we had a little Dr. Demento retrospective the other day, here’s an old standard for Quill: (Sung with an Aussie country accent)--There was a red back on the toilet seat-when I sat down last night,-i didn’t see him in the dark-but Lord I felt his bite,-I leaped way up into the air-and when I hit the ground-that dirty red back spider-was no where to be found.-I hollered for the missus-and showed where I’d been bit-she grabbed a cut throat razor blade-‘n’ I nearly had a fit,-I said forget what’s on your mind-‘n’ call a doctor please,-‘cuz I got the feelin’ that the cure-is worse than the disease.-There was a red back on the toilet seat-when I sat down last night,-I didn’t see him in the dark-but Lord I felt his bite,-and now I’m here in hospital-a sad and sorry plight-‘n’ I curse that red back spider-on the toilet seat last night.-I can’t sit up, I can’t lie down,-I don’t know what to do,-all the nurses think it’s funny,-but that’s not my point of view,-and it’s a bit embarrassing-that’s not to say the least,-that I’m too sick to eat a bite-while that spider had a feast.-When I get back home again-I’ll tell you what I’ll do,-gonna make that spider suffer,-for the pain I’m goin’ thru-I’ve had so many needles-that I’m lookin’ like a sieve-‘n’ I promise you that spider-hasn’t very long to live.-There was a red back on the toilet seat-when I sat down last night,-I didn’t see him in the dark-but Lord I felt his bite,-and now I’m here in hospital-a sad and sorry plight-‘n’ I curse that red back spider-on the toilet seat last night.