Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 12, 2016
Stacy: real name's Stacy. But int the theater world, you gotta stand out. Thus, Ecstasy. So! Welcome to New York City! Some tips! Stacy: first, look like this. It's how real new yorkers look. Stacy: Don't look like this. It's how tourists look. Bernice: Do New Yorkers look at the road?
If the hair streak is supposed to be natural then the name errors could be due to some hearing limitations. Neural Crest genetic variations alter some of the embryo’s earliest cells, ones that exist before more complex structures form, and which have the potential to develop into multiple types of cells. There are a range of chromosomal locations and types. Of variations so there are multiple names and acronyms like Waardenburg, KIT, LEOPARD, etc. The effects vary in degrees among individuals, but two things those cells develop into are some ear structures, and pigment cells, so things like white hair streaks going along with some hearing loss can often be encountered.