Matt Bors for January 11, 2008
We all witnessed an historic moment at the Iowa caucus that shows how far we've come as a society when thousands of turbo Christians braved the cold to vote for MIKE HUCKABEE and his unique brand of THEOCRATIC POPULISM. Farmer: We want jobs while we want for Jesus. It was a stunning upset over the Republican establishment by a grassroots campaign. Mike Huckabee: There's only one explanation I can think of: the archangel Gabriel came down and bussed my supporters to the polls on Jesus' super chariot, which he borrowed. His supporters reject the STATUS QUO and yearn for fundamental CHANGE. Man: I've noticed that science books don't tell how women came from a man's rib bone. Woman: That needs changed. It's a moving tale of how a Baptist minister with a funny name who believes in magic may just become the most powerful man on Earth. Mike Huckabee: Take heed, Obama. It's MY STORY that could only happen in America! JESUS ROCKS!