Matt Bors for June 02, 2008
Right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin fights against the hidden Jihadist symbolism creeping into our culture. Michelle: The 9/11 memorial in Pennsylvania looks like an ISLAMIC CRESCENT! BLOG ATTACK! Link! Post! She got DUNKIN' DONUTS to pull an ad featuring well known Islamofascist RACHAEL RAY. Palestinian scarf makes suicide bombing look all that more fashionable! All of those events are influenced from the beyond by Jidhadists in Hell. Man: I'm going to get Rachael to cook me some steamed Napa rolls with Jew child sauce! 9/11 Hijackers But thankfully, Michelle is on the job, protecting us from the demonic Islamic menace. Michelle: Their powers are strongest during the crescent moon! NEXT: fingernail clippings. Are they Muslim?