Matt Bors for March 02, 2009
Barack Obama: "If your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased A SINGLE DIME." Man: Oh my God. Obama is going to impose a NINE CENT tax increase on working men and women! News Anchor: Is it per day? Per HOUR? The DOW is PLUNGING after Obama's coded riddle on Maoist taxation. DOW 6,000! Man: My taco truck runs on a nine cent profit margin. Guess I'm TOO RICH for democrats. Pundit: The man is so fixated on Lincoln he wants to seize the pennies under our couch cushions! Which hospital did he escape from? Man: There isn't a dime's bit of difference between the two parties. There's NINE CENTS. And I want to keep it!