Matt Bors for August 19, 2009
If you thought DEATH PANELS were scary, rightie talker LAURA INGRAHAM has a whopper for you. Laura Ingraham: "If you are over the age of 65 and have so much as a backache, I would keep it to yourself...because you are about three steps away from the HOSPICE CHUTE!" "They're going to push you down that chute!" Why make euthanasia gloomy when it can be a THRILLING RIDE? Old Woman: WEEEE! Drugged up Union made toboggan/ coffin ...and deliver Grandma right into the crematorium! Old Woman: Zzzz It's a slippery slope - LITERALLY - that could expand into an all ages theme park if we're not vigilant! YOU MUST BE THIS TALL TO RIDE THE HOSPICE CHUTE