Matt Bors for October 14, 2009
Even I was a bit shocked by the news. Host: We are awarding the 2009 Pulitzer for Editorial Cartooning to MATT BORS for his pledge to draw really, really good comics. Critics (I.E. jealous colleagues) came out blasting the decision. Ted Rall: Am I dreaming?! This is ABSURD! Jack Ohman: What has he ACTUALLY drawn? NOTHING! Ted Rall Suspiciously Pulitzer-less Jack Ohman Even past Pulitzer winners are finding it a bit hard to justify. Matt Davies: Maybe he'll do decent work someday... LABEL Matt Davies Joel Pett: Uh, let's just say "congrats" and move on. Joel Pett As for me, I am humbled. Matt Bors: I will accept this award as a call to ACTION! NEXT: WRITER'S BLOCK.