Matt Bors for November 04, 2009
During the Civil War, Lincoln was urged not to make radical changes to the SLAVE CARE system. Man #1: The Emancipation Proclamation is too sweeping. Man #2: Eventhe North is nervous! POLL ? Rebels convinced the Union to insert an OPT-OUT PROVISION. Man #3: States that don't like losing shouldn't have to free blacks. Additionally, the 40 ACRES AND A MULE PROGRAM was scaled back so it wouldn't add to the deficit. Man #4: We need to bring down the cost of mules, mandate buying them and fine those who don't. FACE HALF the NATION None of the reforms took effect right away due to a TRIGGER inserted into the final proclamation. EMANCIPATION PRETTY PLEASE Abraham Lincoln: The South has ten years to shape up or we're having ANOTHER WAR!