Matt Davies for July 30, 2004
MATT DAVIES Slips A Pencil & Sketchpad Past Security AT THE BOSTON CONVENTION The usual goofy convention headgear... KERRY Boston Tea Party. LET'S NOT ELECT BUSH IN 2004 EITHER!! W UN-CHENEY US!! BOSTON 2004 Man: I can feel it in my bones, THIS is the year we're gonna go all the way...&|* *(Not sure if this was a Kerry/ Edwards supporter, or a Red Sock fan.) D.N.C. Fundraiser (Invitation Only) The Big Dig. I'm pretty sure this was Michael Moore, (though it might have been Ben Affleck, or Hillary Clinton.) The designated protest area. Fleet Center Refreshments. Man: Five bucks for a Diet Coke?? PUNDITS Pundit Man: This political convention is so scripted. This political convention is so scripted. MUSHY ACCOMPLISHED Most everyone stayed "on message."