Mike Luckovich for June 24, 2012

  1. Avat
    Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Narrow, that’s no way to talk about your father!

    Now, for something completely different, the cartoon is as neat as dammit plain truth.

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  2. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  about 12 years ago

    That is probably the most clarity on mittens plans that we’ll ever see. Simple, to the point and quite true.

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  3. Dale s photo
    Tuner38  about 12 years ago

    How did the poor end up with two cars, tv and obestity?

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  4. Jude
    tcolkett  about 12 years ago

    I’m sure he’ll come back at you saying he absolutely NEVER watches Fox. That’s what all the Fox robots say. They’ve learned that it’s an indication of ignorance, but they continue to go there to fill up with nonsense and bitter, narrow minded self serving tripe.

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    nanellen  about 12 years ago

    Romney’s plan is better than Obama’s no plan . O’s only strength is being big on apologies to other countries- usually the ones we helped the most!

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  6. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 12 years ago

    that is right masterskain, but that and the cartoon itself is a too true to be funny I’ve been appalled at what all has happened from january 2011!THe shite has hit the fan and the throwers are doing it so Openly!It’s like they know they have the upper hand and so who cares if we ensconce the very richest as kings of America, Dictators of America. I just can’t figure out the people who seem to love to give welfare to corporations and the rich., Who vote against their own self interests. People who put the 1% and also celebs on pedestals for being rich or pretty or handsome and want to give them any thing the want while their neighbor, their fellow men down on his luck, they call lazy. The ditch digger dies much earlier than the wealthy because the work is so hard but THEIR work doesn’t amass fortunes, having family money is 2/3’s the “work” the rich do.

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    kamwick  about 12 years ago

    These are the guys born on third base who think they hit a triple.

    And the lemming cons in much lower income brackets think its unfair to ask them to pay a fair share of the money that they wouldn’t have if they didn’t have this country’s infrastructure, skilled workers, etc.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    If you make $30, 000 a year and pay 20% income “flat tax”, and I earn $30 MILLION a year and pay 20% “income” taxes, how much do YOU have left for food, clothing, and housing and how much do I HAVE LEFT FOR FERRARIS, MANSIONS, AND VACATIONS? And of course, your money goes into a credit union, and mine goes to the Cayman Islands (like Mitt’s) so you DO pay taxes, while I (or MItt) actually, would not!

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  9. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 12 years ago

    That’s what stays after you shake the etch-a-sketch.

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    oneoldhat  about 12 years ago

    bho plan everybody gets poorer except cronies

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    petergrt  about 12 years ago

    The idiocy of the toon is only exceeded by the silliness of the uberintellectual comments . . .!

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  12. 512 what makes me tick new
    Larhof52  about 12 years ago

    Obama’s economic plan is no different from the Greece economic plan. I would rather live in a country that increases in millionaires than welfare recipients. No one ever gets a job from a welfare recipient except a bureaucrat. Both are a draw on the system. Millionaires open business and opportunities.

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    lisak157 Premium Member about 12 years ago

    oh yes, and obamas plan of ‘rich people (yeah, those small business owners who create MOST of the jobs…not the big corporate bigwigs you are all talking about), give us all your money so we can give it to the people who didn’t work as hard, who didn’t take the big risks and who weren’t smart with their money.

    knock knock Europe is at our door and wants their fascist/socialist economy back. Yeah, keep telling yourself that obama has a great plan and just needs a little more time to implement it. By the time you wake up from your koolaid induced obamacoma the economy will be permanently shot.

    But…..keep up with your snarky little comments about Romney, I plan on keeping my “anybody but obama” opinions. Oh, and no, I don’t watch Fox News, but if I did, it would be better than some of the crap that the other networks put out.

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  14. Img00025
    babka Premium Member about 12 years ago

    “….in the meantime, in between time…..ain’t we got fun?”

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  15. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 12 years ago

    ZING! Nailed it again.He has the cons frothing at the mouth.

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    grooveyard Premium Member about 12 years ago

    @Dale Netherton-Having 2 old beaters so that both partners can travel to their low wage jobs is not a sign of affluence. This is 2012, not 1952; owning a TV is no longer an extravagance (plus there are cynical enterprises known as “Rent to Own” shops which prey upon poor people by charging usurious interest rates. if you’re going to put your unempathetic ignorance on public display, the least you can do is to learn how to spell.

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