Monty by Jim Meddick for March 23, 2009
Moondog says, "Why do you want this old Halloween costume?" Monty says, "Well don't tell Doc, but I 'Borrowed' his time warp watch." Monty says, "I plan to travel back in time to Ford's theatre, 1865, and hopefully prevent Lincoln's assassination!" Moondog says, "Dressed in a Lincoln costume?" monty says, "I've got it all figured out: By impersonating Lincold I can gain access to the balcony and confuse John Wilkes Booth at the crucial moment!" Moondog says, "And what are the gummi bears for?" Monty says, "A snack. I don't think theaters in those days had candy counters." Gummi To Be Continued!...
Prediction: The assassin’s bullet will bounce off the hard, dried-up Gummi Bears, and the rest is history…