Monty by Jim Meddick for February 14, 2013
Somehow we must convince these Neanderthals of our friendly intent... Gee, Doc... They really seem to like my sweater. Do whatever you can to appease... Here! I... Give... To you... In... Spirit... Of... Peace... And... Brotherly... Wah! Ah! Woo! Eyahhhh! Um... Actually... Uh... When you wear it like that, a kind of stretches it out...
hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago
That’ll teach him to try to trick them. I see he has his clothes back.
Randy B Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Well, they’re not idiots.
Proginoskes almost 12 years ago
That’s how they do it in the Boy Scouts.
(You didn’t really think you could start a fire with two sticks, did you???)
AlexPK85 almost 12 years ago
Great Monty, you just changed mankind forever,who knows what we are going to evolve to now.
tattooedcyberidiot almost 12 years ago
Better not let them see how you mince mammoth meat with a Nicer Dicer Plus
pschearer Premium Member almost 12 years ago
There was a scene like this in last night’s “Arrow”, except the guy with the lighter let the guy with the stick go on for two hours for the entertainment value.
Varnes almost 12 years ago
You know what works really well? A 9volt battery and steel wool. Just touch the prongs to the steel wool and viola! Flame on! Try it it’s pretty cool……Steel wool also works for flint and steel as well as the stick method…
yangeldf almost 12 years ago
there is evidence that ancient humans used fire but didn’t know how to create it, they would find a wild fire, take it back home, and then never let it go out. There are cases where cavemen relied on a single fire for centuries, until they got displaced by their own ash pile.
Popeyesforearm almost 12 years ago
Flame On! Monty Storm.
hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago
In Eastern Canada a mall had a contest to see if anyone could start a fire by rubbing two sticks together. It was an annual event and eventually a Scouter managed to. He’d entered many years in a row trying and finally succeeded.
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Oh, no! I fear that Monty has altered the timeline for us all! And why was he carrying a lighter in the first place, since we have not seen him as a smoker?
iced tea almost 12 years ago
You can use two sticks to start a fire. Just make sure one’s a match.
water_moon almost 12 years ago
My scout leader had an Altoid’s box that she’d put bits of cotton t-shirt into and then bake the tin next to a fire. When the smoke stops coming out the cotton is ready. It catches a spark and flames it easier than oiled paper, steel wool, or cotton balls.
heavenspresent almost 12 years ago
you mean that wasn’t really lightning prometheus stole from zeus?