Having trouble finishing your song for Ron's Shoe Emporium? Yes, but as a songwriter... Whenever I lose my way... I come to the sea and it inspires me... I still haven't come up with a good rhyme for comfort insole...
Of course, in the US, nobody calls them plimsolls…do they still, in the UK?
When I was a kid, overseas, with English friends, we argued over which sounded more stupid….to call them “sneakers” or “plimsolls.”
BTW… the hardest part of rhyming can be to get the “beat” on the right syllable.If the line doesn’t “scan”, as that is called, sorry, but it just doesn’t rhyme.
Varnes almost 10 years ago
Airport in Seoul?
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Go a little farther into the sea and get more inspiration, Monty! You’re all wet anyway….
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Effort console/control.
Claire Jordan almost 10 years ago
Wear comfort insolesAs you eat your rissoles
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Put a comfort insolein your battered plimsoll….
Of course, in the US, nobody calls them plimsolls…do they still, in the UK?
When I was a kid, overseas, with English friends, we argued over which sounded more stupid….to call them “sneakers” or “plimsolls.”
BTW… the hardest part of rhyming can be to get the “beat” on the right syllable.If the line doesn’t “scan”, as that is called, sorry, but it just doesn’t rhyme.
Pacopuddy… yeah me too. LOL
billyruffian almost 10 years ago
“I will a wombat enroll, Joyously wearing a comfort insole.”
…No, I got nothin’ either.
steverinoCT almost 10 years ago
“When you’re bowling on two sore feet,“And each frame is one hurt pin-roll,“Take your shoes to Ron’s. Treat your feet“To a striking comfort insole.”
tahoeh2o almost 10 years ago
Comfort insoleFeels good on my Big Toe…
rqs1123 almost 10 years ago
Did he walk around the island, there is only one set of footprints in the sand?
damifid0 almost 10 years ago
I searched my sole, for a comfort insole. Alas,twas not to be. Hee,hee. :) Peace.
pschearer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I came to see what youse guys would come up with and you didn’t disappoint. Congrats to all.
Mayor Snorkum almost 10 years ago
“Feet hurt from thin soles?Try our comfort insoles.”
Nothing to it. Anyone can rhyme anything with anything—just read Ogden Nash. Anyone, that is, but Monty, who can’t really do anything. . .
ChessPirate almost 10 years ago
“Before foot pain takes its toll,insert Ron’s Comfort Insole.”
Mike Parsons Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Bad rhymes:
“Rum fart pinhole”“Dumb wart gin mole”
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
Oh no…
boldyuma almost 10 years ago
Seeing that it is Monty..how about“Unsightly face mole?”
Tandembuzz almost 10 years ago
You’ll love our comfort insole,No smell, they’re made from charcoal!
Frankie5466 about 6 years ago
Hey Monty looks quite handsome in his sweater and scarf!